"Notification for Annual General Body Meeting - 2023"
In pursuance of Section 31(1) of Delhi Co-operative Societies Act, 2003 read with Delhi Co-operative
Annual General Body Meeting of the Federation
From the President's Desk
It is an honour to be the President of the Federation of Cooperative Group Housing Societies Dwarka Ltd., and I thank all our member societies for bestowing their faith in me and my entire team by electing and giving us the responsibility of working for the betterment of our Societies and Dwarka.
At this moment, I will also like to draw your attention to our Election Manifesto, wherein we had mentioned about Formation of a website of the Federation to improve governance in the working of Federation by providing information of accounts, members, and activities of Federation for member societies. I am happy to share that soon after taking charge, the Committee worked on creating the website and it has been launched covering almost all the important aspects of societies. Website, as you are aware, is a dynamic platform where all the changes which are taking place around us have to be uploaded for faster communications. Accordingly, we will continue to add features which are important for the societies and will keep on updating it regularly.
Friends, besides this website, your Federation has strengthened its WhatsApp Group and is continuously incorporating changes which are taking place in the Management Committees of the Societies, as well as around us.
I look forward to have your continued support to me and my team in discharging our responsibilities to the member societies.